$(function() { $('#dropOffDate').datepicker({ minDate: 0, //today maxDate: 730, //two years from today beforeShowDay: enableDaysOfWeek, onSelect: function() { updateTimes(); } }); $('#dropOffDate').change(function() { updateTimes(); }); if($('#pickUpDate').length) { $('#pickUpDate').change(function() { updateTimes(); }); } if($('#extraDays').length) { $('#extraDays').change(function() { updateTimes(); }); } if($('#dropOffTimeWarning').length) { $('#dropOffTimeWarning').tooltip({ position: { my: "right+78 bottom-19", at: "right bottom" }, open: function( event, ui ) { //auto hide after timeout setTimeout(function(){ $('#dropOffTimeWarning').tooltip('close'); }, 3000); } }); } if($('#pickUpDayWarning').length) { $('#pickUpDayWarning').tooltip({ position: { my: "right-2 top+19", at: "right top" }, open: function( event, ui ) { //auto hide after timeout setTimeout(function(){ $('#pickUpDayWarning').tooltip('close'); }, 3000); } }); } if($('#pickUpTimeWarning').length) { $('#pickUpTimeWarning').tooltip({ position: { my: "right+71 top+19", at: "right top" }, open: function( event, ui ) { //auto hide after timeout setTimeout(function(){ $('#pickUpTimeWarning').tooltip('close'); }, 3000); } }); } var mil_times = new Array; var ampm_times = new Array; var dropoff = new Array; var pickup = new Array; mil_times[0] = '06:00:00'; ampm_times[0] = '6:00am'; mil_times[1] = '06:30:00'; ampm_times[1] = '6:30am'; mil_times[2] = '07:00:00'; ampm_times[2] = '7:00am'; mil_times[3] = '07:30:00'; ampm_times[3] = '7:30am'; mil_times[4] = '08:00:00'; ampm_times[4] = '8:00am'; mil_times[5] = '08:30:00'; ampm_times[5] = '8:30am'; mil_times[6] = '09:00:00'; ampm_times[6] = '9:00am'; mil_times[7] = '09:30:00'; ampm_times[7] = '9:30am'; mil_times[8] = '10:00:00'; ampm_times[8] = '10:00am'; mil_times[9] = '10:30:00'; ampm_times[9] = '10:30am'; mil_times[10] = '11:00:00'; ampm_times[10] = '11:00am'; mil_times[11] = '11:30:00'; ampm_times[11] = '11:30am'; mil_times[12] = '12:00:00'; ampm_times[12] = '12:00pm'; mil_times[13] = '12:30:00'; ampm_times[13] = '12:30pm'; mil_times[14] = '13:00:00'; ampm_times[14] = '1:00pm'; mil_times[15] = '13:30:00'; ampm_times[15] = '1:30pm'; mil_times[16] = '14:00:00'; ampm_times[16] = '2:00pm'; mil_times[17] = '14:30:00'; ampm_times[17] = '2:30pm'; mil_times[18] = '15:00:00'; ampm_times[18] = '3:00pm'; mil_times[19] = '15:30:00'; ampm_times[19] = '3:30pm'; mil_times[20] = '16:00:00'; ampm_times[20] = '4:00pm'; mil_times[21] = '16:30:00'; ampm_times[21] = '4:30pm'; mil_times[22] = '17:00:00'; ampm_times[22] = '5:00pm'; mil_times[23] = '17:30:00'; ampm_times[23] = '5:30pm'; mil_times[24] = '18:00:00'; ampm_times[24] = '6:00pm'; mil_times[25] = '18:30:00'; ampm_times[25] = '6:30pm'; mil_times[26] = '19:00:00'; ampm_times[26] = '7:00pm'; mil_times[27] = '19:30:00'; ampm_times[27] = '7:30pm'; mil_times[28] = '20:00:00'; ampm_times[28] = '8:00pm'; mil_times[29] = '20:30:00'; ampm_times[29] = '8:30pm'; mil_times[30] = '21:00:00'; ampm_times[30] = '9:00pm'; mil_times[31] = '21:30:00'; ampm_times[31] = '9:30pm'; mil_times[32] = '22:00:00'; ampm_times[32] = '10:00pm'; mil_times[33] = '22:30:00'; ampm_times[33] = '10:30pm'; mil_times[34] = '23:00:00'; ampm_times[34] = '11:00pm'; mil_times[35] = '23:30:00'; ampm_times[35] = '11:30pm'; dropoff[0] = new Array; pickup[0] = new Array; dropoff[0]['start'] = '10:00:00'; dropoff[0]['end'] = '12:00:00'; pickup[0]['open'] = 15; pickup[0]['start'] = '10:00:00'; pickup[0]['end'] = '17:00:00'; dropoff[1] = new Array; pickup[1] = new Array; dropoff[1]['start'] = '00:00:00'; dropoff[1]['end'] = '00:00:00'; pickup[1]['open'] = 0; pickup[1]['start'] = '00:00:00'; pickup[1]['end'] = '00:00:00'; dropoff[2] = new Array; pickup[2] = new Array; dropoff[2]['start'] = '00:00:00'; dropoff[2]['end'] = '00:00:00'; pickup[2]['open'] = 0; pickup[2]['start'] = '00:00:00'; pickup[2]['end'] = '00:00:00'; dropoff[3] = new Array; pickup[3] = new Array; dropoff[3]['start'] = '00:00:00'; dropoff[3]['end'] = '00:00:00'; pickup[3]['open'] = 0; pickup[3]['start'] = '00:00:00'; pickup[3]['end'] = '00:00:00'; dropoff[4] = new Array; pickup[4] = new Array; dropoff[4]['start'] = '00:00:00'; dropoff[4]['end'] = '00:00:00'; pickup[4]['open'] = 0; pickup[4]['start'] = '00:00:00'; pickup[4]['end'] = '00:00:00'; dropoff[5] = new Array; pickup[5] = new Array; dropoff[5]['start'] = '10:00:00'; dropoff[5]['end'] = '12:00:00'; pickup[5]['open'] = 5; pickup[5]['start'] = '16:00:00'; pickup[5]['end'] = '18:00:00'; dropoff[6] = new Array; pickup[6] = new Array; dropoff[6]['start'] = '10:00:00'; dropoff[6]['end'] = '15:00:00'; pickup[6]['open'] = 11; pickup[6]['start'] = '16:00:00'; pickup[6]['end'] = '21:00:00'; //enables/disables specific days of week (sun-fri) based on config vars function enableDaysOfWeek(date) { var day = date.getDay(); //date was passed as a date object if(day == 0 || day == 5 || day == 6) return [true, '']; //open for biz else return [false, '', 'Sorry, we\'re closed']; //biz closed } //updates the rental time and return times select boxes based on rental date and return date function updateTimes() { if($('#dropOffDate').val() == 'mm/dd/yyyy' || $('#dropOffDate').val() == '') //cant calculate if date not set return false; var sd = $('#dropOffDate').val(); var m = parseInt(sd.substr(0,2)); var d = parseInt(sd.substr(3,2)); var y = parseInt(sd.substr(6,4)); var start_date = new Date(y, m-1, d, 0, 0, 0, 0); //drop-off date var start_day = start_date.getDay(); //drop-off day if($('#extraDays').length) { var days_to_add = parseInt($('#extraDays').val()); var end_date = new Date(y, m-1, d, 0, 0, 0, 0); end_date.setDate(end_date.getDate() + days_to_add); //pick-up date var end_day = end_date.getDay(); //pick-up day } else if($('#pickUpDate').length) { if($('#pickUpDate').val() == 'mm/dd/yyyy' || $('#pickUpDate').val() == '') //cant calculate if date not set return false; sd = $('#pickUpDate').val(); m = parseInt(sd.substr(0,2)); d = parseInt(sd.substr(3,2)); y = parseInt(sd.substr(6,4)); var end_date = new Date(y, m-1, d, 0, 0, 0, 0); //pick-up date var end_day = end_date.getDay(); //pick-up day } //check validity of select dropOffTime options and current selection and update if necessary if(dropoff[start_day]['start'] == $("#dropOffTime option:eq(1)").val() && dropoff[start_day]['end'] == $("#dropOffTime option:last").val()) { //alert("dropoff start and end time is same"); //do nothing } else { //alert("dropoff start time or end time is different\nstart 1:"+dropoff[start_day]['start']+"\nstart 2:"+$("#dropOffTime option:eq(1)").val()+"\nend 1:"+dropoff[start_day]['end']+"\nend 2:"+$("#dropOffTime option:last").val()); //save current selection, clear out existing range and input new range, reselect original if exists and if not notify var curr_dropoff_selection = $("#dropOffTime").val(); $('#dropOffTime').empty(); //empty current list $('#dropOffTime').append(''+"\n"); //repopulate with new values var opts = ''; for(var i=0; i= mil_times[i]) opts += ''+"\n"; else if(1 == 0) opts += ''+"\n"; } $('#dropOffTime').append(opts); var curr_exists = false; $('#dropOffTime option').each(function(){ if (this.value == curr_dropoff_selection) { curr_exists = true; return false; } }); if(curr_exists) $('#dropOffTime').val(curr_dropoff_selection); else if($('#dropOffTimeWarning').length) $('#dropOffTimeWarning').tooltip('open'); } //if applicable, check validity of select extraDays options and current selection and update if necessary if($('#extraDays').length) { var curr_extra_days_selection = $("#extraDays").val(); $('#extraDays').empty(); //empty current list $('#extraDays').append(''+"\n"); var day = 0; var opts = ''; for(var i=1; i<=10; i++) { //start_day is what we'll be calculating from day = (start_day + i) % 7; if(pickup[day]['open'] > 0) //option available opts += ''+"\n"; else if(1 == 0) opts += ''+"\n"; } $('#extraDays').append(opts); var curr_exists = false; $('#extraDays option').each(function(){ if (this.value == curr_extra_days_selection) { curr_exists = true; return false; } }); if(curr_exists) $('#extraDays').val(curr_extra_days_selection); else { if($('#pickUpDayWarning').length) $('#pickUpDayWarning').tooltip('open'); //because the extraDays value directly effects the pickUpTime range of values we have to recalculate the new valid //pickUpTime range based on our changes to extraDays, to do this we will recall this function and exit out the //current iteration of it to prevent incorrect pickUpTime range from displaying updateTimes(); return; } } //check validity of select pickUpTime options and current selection and update if necessary if(pickup[end_day]['start'] == $("#pickUpTime option:eq(1)").val() && pickup[end_day]['end'] == $("#pickUpTime option:last").val()) { //alert("pickup start and end time is same"); //do nothing } else { //alert("pickup start time or end time is different\nstart 1:"+pickup[end_day]['start']+"\nstart 2:"+$("#pickUpTime option:eq(1)").val()+"\nend 1:"+pickup[end_day]['end']+"\nend 2:"+$("#pickUpTime option:last").val()); //save current selection, clear out existing range and input new range, reselect original if exists and if not notify var curr_pickup_selection = $("#pickUpTime").val(); $('#pickUpTime').empty(); //empty current list $('#pickUpTime').append(''+"\n"); //repopulate with new values var opts = ''; for(var i=0; i= mil_times[i]) opts += ''+"\n"; else if(1 == 0) opts += ''+"\n"; } $('#pickUpTime').append(opts); var curr_exists = false; $('#pickUpTime option').each(function(){ if (this.value == curr_pickup_selection) { curr_exists = true; return false; } }); if(curr_exists) $('#pickUpTime').val(curr_pickup_selection); else if($('#pickUpTimeWarning').length) $('#pickUpTimeWarning').tooltip('open'); } } //onload refresh time selects with correct data if date exists to prevent too wide a range from displaying updateTimes(); });